Breach Report
You have been referred to this page because WGW handles reports of legal violations on behalf of its clients in accordance with the German Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) and the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LKSG). There are various options available to you for submitting tips: WGW welcomes notices by mail, phone or post. Please find the contact details below.
By mail: hinweis-geben @
By Phone: +49 (0)234 / 588440-24
Postal address:
WGW Rechtsanwälte
Universitätsstraße 60
44789 Bochum
By video conference or in person on site: Upon request, you may provide a breach report in a direct conversation via video conference or during a face-to-face meeting at our office premises. To schedule an appointment, you may contact us using any of the aforementioned communication channels. Please make sure to provide appropriate contact information to facilitate an appointment.
Please provide details on the following points/questions - especially in the case of anonymous reportss - as queries are generally not possible in the case of anonymous notifications and reliable assignment and processing can only be ensured if this essential information is provided:
- Which company does the report concern?
- What conduct do I believe constitutes a violation of the law?
- Who is committing the conduct I am reporting (employee, business partner)? Ideally, can I name someone?
- In my opinion, which law is being breached by the behavior I have described (criminal law, misdemeanor law, Code of Conduct)?
- What is the nature of the feared damage? As far as financial damage is concerned: Can I provide information on the amount of the damage?
- Indication of whether I am available for further inquiries (in this case, please provide appropriate contact details).
It is not mandatory to provide information on all of the above aspects. However, it is essential that the information provided corresponds to your actual perceptions and is not misrepresented. If it is not possible to provide information on any of the above-mentioned aspects, the information will nevertheless be examined with due care.
If you have provided contact details in the report, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt within seven days. If you submit the report by phone, you will receive a content protocol of your report within this time, to which you can add further information. Your information will then be examined and, if necessary, further investigations will be carried out. If the suspicion of a legal violation is substantiated, suitable countermeasures will be recommended to the company concerned. You will receive a message stating which countermeasures have been taken in each individual case.
Reports that are received without naming the sender will be reviewed just as carefully as reports in which the person providing the information is named. In these cases, however, no feedback will be provided on the receipt of the report or the measures taken.